Monday, July 26, 2010

100 Random Things About Me (Conversation Starters?)

  1. I'm afraid of fire. Ever since I had that fire in my room, I've never been the same around a candle or match...or anything fire.
  2. I used to be a paint-by-number finatic. I'm pretty sure I still have some to finish too.
  3. I'm currently learning how to speak Italian.
  4. I'm always either too hot or too cold. There's never a middle ground.
  5. My bed includes 12 pillows and 5 blankets (which are mostly big ones lol). If I dont have weight on me and something to cling to, I can't sleep.
  6. I can't get changed in front of an animal. They just sit there and stare at's uncomfortable.
  7. I still eat my poptarts the same way that I did when I was 7. Eat around the outside first, then take the bottom off the middle of the poptart, eat the bottom, then eat the top. It's complicated. And it has to be Chocolate fudge. I dont like any other kind.
  8. When I was growing up, I not-so-secretly wanted to be the original pink poweranger.
  9. I credit my grandmother for my creative abilities because she always did arts and crafts with us when we were kids.
  10. I resent society because it's so patriarchal, but at the same time, I live by most of the patriarchal rules. I know, hypocricy is bad.
  11. I would love to download all my movies, but if I dont have hardcopies of them in their original cases, then it bugs me to no end. So I just buy then instead.
  12. I dont seperate my colours when I do my laundry. Not because I'm lazy, but because I dont have enough clothes to make a full loads.
  13. I drink lots of liquids, especially when I eat. My mouth gets dry very fast and it's hard for me to swallow.
  14. Did I mention I'm a hypocrite?
  15. I can get dressed up just for myself. I love to feel hot, and that time is usually at 3am and for some reason I look my best around that time. Dont know why?
  16. I'm a recent twitter addict, after months of claiming that Twitter was the stupidest thing that's ever happened and it'll end up being like myspace and just phase out.
  17. For about 3 months, I stopped living my life by a schedule. Now, I'm back into a scheduled life because I couldn't handle not having a scheduled life.
  18. I'm an avid Volleyball player.
  19. The movie Lakeview Terrence pissed me off so much that I've vowed never to watch it again or buy it. But i have to credit Samuel L. Jackson for his role because his character is the one that pissed me off/frustrated me the most.
  20. I love my skin, cause it's soft. I just thought I'd say that.
  21. I still have a shirt that I bought on my grade 8 trip to Toronto. It was signed by George Stroumboulopoulos from the Hour, but he was a Much Music VJ at the time. I still wear it sometimes even though it doesn't fit anymore.
  22. I actually got so excited about Harry Potter back in the day, that I made up a new character for the story line, but I wont say anything about it here, because it's really lame, and completely embarassing.
  23. Some people think that fish are the easiest thing to take care of, but I dont. I think they're the hardest because they dont whine and cry when they're just sit there...and if you forget about them, that's it. They're dead.
  24. I own a Flypen...and I dont remember how to use it. It's sad.
  25. It's sad to say but I'm obsessed with looking at myself in mirrors. I have to know that I look good.
  26. I love cheese! But I'm more into mozarella than the orange stuff.
  27. I have recently found out from a book that, if I dont get beat regularly, I'm going to become a church-goer. So, someone needs to come to my house and regularly beat me!
  28. I used to be a pretty damn good figure skater. Then my feet told me that they didn't like the small confined space that I called a figure skate. So I had to quit and move my feet into their new skates.
  29. I've been thinking a lot about kids lately. And I have realized, that I have an increased chance for having twins. So, I've decided that I wanted 2 twin boys and one girl.
  30. Because I'm crazy, I have kids names picked out. Beth; Jayda; or Cicilia for girls and Eben or Dawson for boys. *This in no way states that I'm planning on having kids dont contact me asking me if I'm pregnant lol*
  31. I'm addicted to Corn Pops.
  32. (Along the same lines) I dont drink the milk out of my cereal after I eat it because of two things. A, it doesn't taste right; and B, there are chunks in it so it doesn't feel right in my mouth.
  33. I get angry if people judge me too fast. I understand that I sometimes dont give out the best first impression, but honestly, you probably didn't either. Therefore, don't judge me!
  34. Peach rings are amazing!
  35. I love playing with other peoples hair.
  36. Everytime I say "I'm reading", it can be (usually) one of five books that I'm currently reading. I dont read one at a time.
  37. Oh...and did I mention I'm weird?
  38. I eat my food one at a time, while other people mix up their food on their plate or eat one piece of one thing and then another piece of another.
  39. Dolls scare the shit out of me. There is a story behind why, but it's too long to put here. Porcelain dolls especially.
  40. Sudoku are my best friends!
  41. The really old Disney shows (like the ones with Mickey Mouse Steamboat) scare the crap out of me.
  42. Since I was little, I always thought the "D" in Disney was a "G" because of the way they write it. Now, I can't see the "D" unless I block out all the stuff that comes before the stick.
  43. I love dressing up!
  44. Even though I hate getting up that early, one of my favourite times of the day is in the early morning, when the sun is bright. And as a second part to this one, I especially love it when I'm going on a road trip with people.
  45. I love road trips...especially ones where you can just throw your headphones in or crank up the music because you get out of your head for a while and everything just seems right...
  46. The last time I cried tears of happiness was when I sat down with the family to watch an old movie that I made with my brother and cousin Anne-Marie (about a month before she died). It was so stupid it was funny and memories just came flooding was amazing.
  47. I am a type two organ donor. That means that, yes, all my organs can be transplanted, but if something happens that they can't and they're damaged, they can use them for research. Scary thought actually.
  48. I have ultra sensitive teeth.
  49. People are often surprised by my weight, because I look pretty damn good for my weight.
  50. I have a very difficult time sleeping at other peoples houses. I have to be VERY comfortable with you to do that. I also can't sleep in people's beds who I dont know well. I have this thing with dirtiness, so dont take it personally if I wont sleep in your bed. I do the same thing to my family...and they're family!
  51. I'm extremely indecisive.
  52. I just recently sat at a gas station and took time out of my busy day to learn how to pump my own gas. I'm quite proud of myself.
  53. I'm a massive space freak. I know lots about it and still learning more. I actually just bought the first four seasons of the Universe on DVD (from the history channel) and I was a space cadet!
  54. I live to correct people in grammar situations. Yes, I'm an English freak! So don't make mistakes around me or I WILL CORRECT YOUUUUU!
  55. I am very much a midnight eater. This is because I only eat when I'm hungry. Therefore I only have one and a half meals a day.
  56. I'm not a pop drinker. I do however love iced tea and water (as those are the only things I really drink). If I do drink pop, it's because I have a good reason or there isn't any bottled water or iced tea around. In which case, I get angry.
  57. I am the most argumentative person you'll ever meet. I will argue with you about anything. On a positive note, I'm a very good debater. But I will get angry if you tell me I'm wrong.
  58. I can't stand bugs...especially mosquitos and blackflies. Not only are they annoying when they're buzzing around your head, but they bite. My only problem with that is EVERYTHING! I can't look at a mosquito biting someone, I can't squish it because it's disgusting, and I can't stand the itchiness of it after it bites you. I also have a lot of scars from bug bites because I can't stop scratching them!
  59. My favourite flower is a lilly. Any kind will do! I've actually planned it out that my wedding will only hold lillies (that is, if I do get married)
  60. Going along with the indecisiveness issues, I'm not at all certain of what I want in life. I've changed my career goals a total of 8 times in my life, one day I want to get married and have kids, the next day I dont...etc. So yes, expect me to change my mind often.
  61. Even though sometimes you may think that I'm arguing with you and dont see your side of things, you're wrong. I see your side as clear as day. I'm one of those weird people who can see everyones perspective, but if I dont tell you I can see you're perspective on something, that just means I'm ignoring it and really dont care about you're perspective. Just to warn you.
  62. The best part of pizza is the crust. End of story (especially if it is accompanied by ranch dip).
  63. I have a horrible old-man-crush on Alan Rickman and I have had this crush since I was 12 but it was recently revived as I watched Dogma. I know, sad, but true.
  64. I'm a very cocky driver. I'm a fast driver. I'm a risky driver. I'm an aggressive driver. AKA STAY OUT OF MY WAY (but if there's someone else in the vehicle with me, I wont risk their life and I'll be good)
  65. I consider myself an empath (someone who feels the feelings of the people around them) and somewhat of a clairvoyant (someone who can see the future) because of the dreams I've had and the amount of times they've come true. I'm also someone who has a lot of deja vu, and the episodes last about 5 minutes a time.
  66. I hate mirrors...and yet, I have three in my room. Figure that one out.
  67. My computer is my life. If my computer ever died, or crashed on me, I dont know what I'd do. It has all my files on it, as well as all my music (which is a lot, mind you) and my facebook and msn, which I really can't live without.
  68. Whenever I drive past Gull Lake and see white waves on the water I get the urge to go swimming.
  69. Even though I've lived in KL for 20 years, and King Kirkland for 10, I still get lost.
  70. Unlike most people, I have a very high moral system. If I break one of my morals, I wont be able to live it down because I wont let myself. I dissapoint myself a lot and take things way too seriously.
  71. I dont drink often, but when I drink...I DRINK!
  72. I actually can sing. I dont do it in front of people, but I actually can. It's pretty cool.
  73. Two words. CLEAN FREAK. If my room isn't clean when I go to bed, I can't sleep.
  74. In my opinion, rain is better than sunshine for a few reasons. 1, I burn in the sun. 2, I love thunderstorms. 3, I'm a pessimist, and I guess it kind of goes along with the whole rain thing.
  75. Even though I love horror movies, I'm the one who'll be coving her eyes.
  76. My middle name (Lynne) was given to me by my mother after my cousin Lynne who died in a car accident just prior to my birth.
  77. I almost died at birth and was very sick afterwards. My umbilical cord was around my neck twice and was chocking me. After that, I had multiple urinary tract infections and tonsillitis till I was 4.
  78. I am the oldest of four children (Josh 18, Corey 15 and Christina 13).
  79. I am very afraid of needles. When I was 3, my dad had to hold me down because the nurse was stupid and couldn’t find the vein. After that, no more needles. Which sucks now because I have to go and get my second mumps needle...which is stressing me out just a bit.
  80. I love the smell of sunscreen.
  81. My parents have been separated since I was 9.
  82. I get stressed out very easily, but I tend to hide it whenever possible.
  83. I’m pretty sure that the only thing running my life right now is a schedule.
  84. I'll be taking Theatre Arts in September 2010 at Canadore College.
  85. My friends are what hold me together.
  86. If I’m not told that I’m doing a good job, I tend to start thinking that I’m not doing a good job.
  87. I tend to hold grudges...FOR A LONG TIME.
  88. People think they know me, but they really don’t. I only show what I want to show, and that’s not very much, except to the people I’m very close with, which isn’t very many.
  89. I love kids!
  90. My best friend/cousin died at the age of 7 from cancer and I don’t think I ever got over it (I was 8).
  91. I graduated from the Air Cadet program as a Warrant Officer 2nd Class and Squadron Commander at the end of September 2008. I then tried to transition from cadet to officer. Therefore, I am no longer part of the Air Cadet program because I couldn’t do it.
  92. I've never actually been in love.
  93. My houses in Kirkland Lake are haunted...both of them.
  94. If I’m not organized, then I get stressed. But that doesn’t usually happen because I’m pretty organized.
  95. After a battle with depression during my teen years, I lost all interest in school and cadets. The only place where I really felt happy was on the stage.
  96. I have three dogs at home. Angel (9, Beagle Spaniel, lives in Chaput Hughes), Marley (2, Blonde Lab, lives in King Kirkland), Max (6, Pure Bred German Shephard, lives in King Kirkland).
  97. I left Kirklan Lake because I honestly thought I had nothing there for me anymore. I was right.
  98. I honestly (sometimes) believe that I will never marry and, if I do have kids, won’t have them until early to late thirties.
  99. As independent as I am now, I was very scared to leave home for the first time.
  100. I don’t know half my family because my Dad was adopted and refuses to go find out. So, I could have different conditions that I’m not aware of...isn’t that wonderful! I think not.

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